
The Top Environmental Concerns that Arkansas Residents Should Know About

While there are state and federal regulations in place to protect our citizens, environment, and natural resources, there are entities out there that disregard those laws. When they do that, they are not only harming our planet but the people within our communities. If you'...

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The 5 Traffic Laws Broken Most Often by Arkansas Drivers

As responsible drivers, we understand the necessity of obeying all the established traffic laws. Unfortunately, there are drivers out there that choose to ignore these laws. When individuals make those choices, they're putting their lives, as well as the lives of others on...

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McMath’s Carter Stein Featured in Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Carter C. Stein, Managing Partner of McMath Woods, PA, was featured in the July 1 edition of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette for his dedication and active roles within Little Rock's Junior Deputy Baseball program. The article, Volunteer Throws Support...

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Verdict Ruled for McMath Client; $1.6M Not Owed

MidCon Gathering LLC, represented by McMath Woods PA's John D. Coulter and Preston T. Kamin of Gray Reed & McGraw LLP, received a defense verdict in a suit after Stephen Carleson and his company, Producers Credit Protection Group, Inc., alleged he developed a credi...

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Safety Town Teaches Students Safety for Life; McMath Sponsors Community Program

On Friday, June 15, 2018, approximately 200 children within the Little Rock community graduated from Safety Town, a fun five-day safety awareness program designed for rising kindergartners. Through the use of music, crafts, movies, books, community speakers and a child-sized town...

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McMath Woods Partner Will Bond Mentioned in Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette opinion columnist John Brummett spoke to McMath Woods partner and Arkansas Senator Will Bond. To see what Will said, click on John Brummett's column here...

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Understanding the Lost Chance of Survival Doctrine for Delayed Cancer Diagnoses

We take many calls concerning medical negligence cases, and we frequently get inquiries from people who claim their doctor delayed in diagnosing their cancer. These cases can be difficult to evaluate for the following reasons:1) Proximate Cause - Did the delay cause any dam...

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What Is Gap Insurance?

I often receive phone calls about liability insurance carriers not wanting to pay for all of the debt associated with a motor vehicle that has been totaled. According to Arkansas's jury instructions, the liability insurance carrier must only pay the difference in fair...

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What Is A Contingency Fee?

A contingency fee is a fee charged by an attorney to a client contingent upon the outcome of the matter. Contingent fees in personal injury and wrongful death cases are allowed in Arkansas if the agreement is in writing and states the method for computing the fee, including...

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18 Wheelers and Defining Commercial Motor Vehicles

Recently there has been much talk and “traffic” about hours of service regulations for 18 Wheelers.Hours of service (HOS) regulations define how much a driver can drive during certain periods of time and apply to commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).An important first que...

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