
Determining Fault in a Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle is fun and freeing. Even though you have protective equipment on and you're being careful, that doesn’t mean that you won’t get into a crash with another vehicle or someone else on the road. No matter how much you pay attention, another car c...

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How Common Are Motorcycle Accidents in Little Rock?

Riding a motorcycle in Little Rock is an exciting way to navigate our city and feel free while on the road. While it's fun and exhilarating to travel by motorbike, it can also be incredibly dangerous and cause serious injuries if you get into an accident of any kind. Many d...

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How to Prepare for Your Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Any kind of accident that causes you injuries and damages can leave you wanting to get justice for what happened to you. When it wasn't your fault, you could be considering enlisting the help of a personal injury lawyer so that you can file a legal claim against the party r...

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What Happens When a Nurse Commits Medical Malpractice?

Going to the hospital or being treated by medical professionals is a vulnerable experience to begin with—you're sick and want to get better. Unfortunately, that’s not always what happens even though that’s what you expect. You might think that a nurse will...

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Hospitals Using Old Lien Laws to Profit from Car Crash Victims

When car accident victims come into the hospital to treat their injuries, they're in a vulnerable state. Many suffer from head injuries that cloud their judgement, or they’re suffering from immense pain from broken bones or other damages. Even when they try to use the...

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The Requirements of Establishing a Doctor-Patient Relationship

One of the biggest aspects of a successful medical malpractice claim is establishing a doctor-patient relationship existed between the doctor and the patient that they injured. While it might seem obvious that if the injury occurred, then a doctor-patient relationship existed, th...

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Did COVID-19 Investment Purchases Affect Nursing Home Care?

Portopiccolo Group, an investment firm based in New Jersey, buys nursing homes and tries to make them more profitable. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the investment firm bought over 20 nursing homes, even though these facilities hold the most vulnerable populations when it comes t...

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The Most Important Auto Insurance Coverage To Have After a Crash

Car accidents can cause devastating injuries and damages to you, anyone else involved, and your car. That's why having auto insurance is important after a collision—it helps you recover financially from the damages that you sustained. In Arkansas, you are required to...

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What Is the Most Potentially Catastrophic Type of Medical Mistake?

Going to the doctor is already a nerve-wracking experience. You're feeling sick, in pain, and at your most vulnerable. You seek medical help to make you feel better, and you expect only the best care so that doctors can get to the bottom of what’s ailing you and start...

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Can Later School Times Reduce Teen Car Accidents?

When it comes to teens behind the wheel, there are many factors that contribute to them getting into accidents. Driving with friends in the car, focusing on the radio, and cell phone use all immediately come to mind. But there's another factor that might be less thought abo...

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