Safety Town, a fun, five-day safety awareness program designed for rising kindergartners, hosted and graduated over 310 children within the Little Rock community this month. The program expanded this year to offer an additional week and an optional location to accommodate the community’s interest for the educational experience. Pulaski Academy and Episcopal Collegiate School served as the two Safety Town locations. McMath Woods P.A. was again a proud lead sponsor of this essential community program.

“Thanks to Safety Town Mayor, Wendy Saer, Safety Town is well-oiled machine operated by a dedicated crew of volunteers, and now delivering lifelong safety lessons to even more children within our city. The program’s reputation and growth are a testament to Mayor Saer’s hard work and to the impact Safety Town has on the families of the children who attend,” says Carter Stein, McMath Woods Managing Partner.

Through the use of music, crafts, movies, books, community speakers, and a child-sized town, the curriculum focuses on basic safety lessons that the children use for the rest of their lives. The curriculum also now creatively incorporates engaging lessons on distracted driving.

“With the number of fatal automobile accidents increasing due to cell phone use and with technology now so accessible, it’s imperative that children understand the concept of distracted driving. Our hope is that if the children are aware of the dangers of distracted driving, then they can help hold their parents accountable to the rules of the road during the drive. The kids learn that the safety of everyone in the car is and should always be a priority over a text or phone call,” says Stein.

McMath Woods P.A. provided a CD of safety songs written and produced by Brian Kinder to each graduate of Safety Town. Safety Town has been an annual program in Central Arkansas and operated solely by volunteers since 1984.

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