Cat Accidents Lawyer

Whether it’s just you, you with a passenger, or you with your children in the car, you want to get to your destination safely and without a crash. But sometimes, another driver’s reckless and negligent actions lead to a collision that injures you and your passengers. If another driver strikes you and you suffer injuries and damages, you could use the help of our firm’s El Dorado, AR, car accident lawyer. At McMath Woods, we have experience representing the victims of auto wrecks and getting them justice for what they’ve gone through. We’ll ensure you don’t settle for less to get your deserved compensation.

Causes of Car Crashes in Arkansas

The first thing your car accident lawyer will do for you is determine what caused your collision. There are many ways that a crash can happen between two motor vehicles or between a single vehicle and another object. Once your attorney figures out the cause of your accident, they can determine who was at fault and what you’re owed. Here are some of the most common causes of car crashes in Arkansas:


Driving faster than the posted speed limit can have devastating effects on you and other people on the road. Speeding gives you less time to react to obstacles on the road, and the high speeds make even the smallest turn of the wheel a drastic action. If you get into a collision, the damage can be even more serious because of the high speed of impact.

Distracted driving

This has become an even more common problem on the roads now that we always have cell phones, but that’s not the only form of distracted driving. Eating, putting on makeup, messing with the radio, or taking your attention off the road is considered distracted driving and can cause an accident.

Driving under the influence

You should always be completely sober when you get behind the wheel. If a person is intoxicated from drugs or alcohol while driving, they have a slower reaction time and can’t make good decisions on the road. This can lead to collisions with severe injuries and even death.

Driver error

Sometimes, drivers make simple mistakes that cause accidents. If a young driver is inexperienced and over-corrects their wheel when turning, that could lead to a vehicle collision.

Defective auto parts

Sometimes, another driver isn’t the one at fault for the wreck. The company that made the car or specific parts could be the cause of the accident if they used defective parts or didn’t put them together correctly. When the part malfunctions while driving, it can cause a driver to lose control and get into a collision.

Poor weather conditions

Even though we’re in the South, we still can get poor weather, like high winds and heavy rains. When a driver doesn’t adjust their driving to the weather, or if they don’t check for bad weather before leaving the house, they can get into an accident from losing control of their car.

Bad roads

Sometimes, the roads aren’t properly maintained and become dangerous from potholes and other problems. If construction is going on, that could cause more roadway obstructions and can lead to collisions.

Directly after a car crash, you’re likely dealing with the fallout of injuries, damages, and all the costs that come with them. That’s why our El Dorado car accident attorneys can help you file a claim. We’ll determine what caused your accident so we can move on to prove negligence and get you the compensation you deserve.

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Proving Negligence in El Dorado

Once the cause of your accident is determined, your car accident lawyer can work on proving that the other driver’s negligence was at the heart of the cause or a company’s negligence. There are key aspects that are needed to prove negligence in Arkansas, which are these four points:

  • The other party owed you a duty of care.
  • They breached that duty of care through negligent action.
  • That negligent action caused you to suffer from injuries.
  • Those injuries resulted in damages for you.

Proving negligence can be impossible to do on your own. That’s why hiring a lawyer to represent you after your car crash in El Dorado is essential. With a car accident lawyer from McMath Woods on your side, you can rest assured that they’ll work hard to prove the other party was at fault so you get the justice that you deserve. Once they prove negligence, they can start working to calculate the damages you are owed. By reviewing your medical bills, treatment costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity, and many other damages, our attorney can put a value on a fair settlement. At McMath Woods, our trial lawyers will never let you settle for less than you deserve. When an insurance company fails to make a fair offer, we can take the case to a jury to decide.

Our Experienced El Dorado Car Accident Lawyers Will Help You

At McMath Woods, we understand that your car accident in El Dorado has caused you more than physical damage. You could be suffering from emotional damages as well and feel like taking legal action is too much for you to handle right now. We get that, but you must move fast to avoid passing the statute of limitations window.

We know this is a vulnerable time for you, so we’re here to handle the legal side while you focus on healing. An experienced El Dorado, AR car accident lawyer from our firm knows exactly how to help you and will guide you through every step of the process. Reach out to us today so that we can get started on your potential claim.

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