Trusted Representation for Car Accident Victims

Balancing your recovery with paying medical bills, missing work, and filing a claim is a lot for one person to deal with. Victims of negligence need trustworthy representation to get the compensation they deserve. That’s where a car accident lawyer in Fayetteville can help. McMath Woods is proud to provide excellent legal services to those who were wrongfully injured. We understand how uncertain this time can be, and we’ll do everything we can to give you peace of mind. When our lawyers represent you, you’ll know you have professionals on your side who will fight for your rights. When you’re filing a claim, it’s imperative to have as many details as possible. You’ll want to know what happened and why. Let’s take a look at what can cause auto collisions.

Fayetteville Car Accident Statistics

Fayetteville has had its fair share of car crashes. In the 2018 Annual Traffic Report, the Fayetteville Police Department reported 301 injury collisions and four fatal collisions. While fatal crashes decreased by 33.33% from 2017, injury wrecks increased by 48.28%.
There are many reasons why these accidents may happen. Auto wrecks can occur when negligent drivers:


Speeding accounted for 1,197 traffic violation citations in 2018. Unfortunately, when people are in a rush, they may try to make up time while driving. They’re more focused on getting to their destination as quickly as possible than driving safely. Speeding reduces a driver’s control of the vehicle. If they need to avoid another vehicle or debris on the road, the sudden motion could make the driver lose control and crash into another vehicle or run off the road.

Ignore Weather Conditions

Drivers should adjust to weather conditions. For example, if it’s raining heavily and a driver cannot see out of their windshield, they should safely pull off to the side of the road and wait for the rain to pass. Slick, wet roads put cars at risk of hydroplaning, and braking may be more difficult.

Drive Distracted

Nearly everyone has a smartphone. These devices are major distractions in the car. If a driver is more concerned about texting, checking notifications, or changing the song they’re listening to, take their eyes off the road or one handoff the steering wheel, they’re distracted and not thinking about driving. Distracted drivers may look up and try to brake at the last second but not have enough time to stop, or they may crash without looking up at all.

Drive Intoxicated

Responsible drivers know if they’ve been drinking, they need to get a ride home with a sober driver, whether it’s a friend or a car service. But some drivers make the decision to get behind the wheel when they’re inebriated. In 2018, the police issued 670 violations to drivers who were intoxicated. A drunk driver cannot process information or react quickly. They may swerve out of their lane into another vehicle or collide with a fixed object off the road.

There are so many factors that can cause a car wreck. It takes an expert eye to look over police reports and investigate the scene to determine what happened. Our attorneys have years of experience putting together claims with strong evidence, and we often hire industry experts in our cases.

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How A Skilled Attorney Can Help You

Our lawyers know how overwhelming this time can be for any accident victim. You should be able to focus on your treatment and getting better, but that’s difficult to do when you’re worrying about how you’re going to afford treatment and still stay on top of your other financial responsibilities. You may think a complicated legal claim is the last item you want to add to your list. But you don’t have to handle a claim on your own. Our lawyers serve those in Fayetteville and throughout Arkansas. We will look into what the accident cost you. 

We can evaluate your medical expenses, including care for treatment you’ll need, lost wages and loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and property damage. We’ll ensure that your settlement reflects what you’ve been through, and we’ll be with you every step. Some may feel intimidated by a lengthy legal process, and this may lead to their agreeing with the first offer the insurance company proposes. However, the insurance company works in their best interest, not yours. Their settlement offer could be significantly lower than you deserve, leading to trouble when you’re trying to pay back your expenses. Let’s take a closer look at the damages a car wreck can cause.

man in suit sitting down

The Costs of an Auto Collision

After a car accident, the medical treatments you need to recover can cause your medical expenses to pile up. You may:

  • Ride in an ambulance
  • Stay in a hospital
  • Undergo tests ,labs or procedures
  • Require medication
  • Require treatment by various specialists
  • Require future rehabilitation
  • Require medical equipment
  • Need long-term care

However, these numerous possibilities only apply to the physical aspect of the wreck. Car accident recovery can be a long road that entails more than healing a physical injury. You may also be dealing with psychological injuries, such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Seeing a psychologist or getting some form of therapy may be the way you take care of your mental health as well. If someone feels they must choose between physical and mental care, they may pick physical. But you should not be forced to choose between your injuries. You deserve to be able to get the complete care you need.

What Are the Different Types of Auto Collisions?

When your car accident lawyer is looking into the negligent actions that led to your injuries, we’re also going to review the type of collision. This can provide more information about how the other party acted negligently and the severity of your injuries. While there are different types of accidents, there are a few common ones our attorneys have seen. You may have been involved in one of the following:

Head-On Collision

This occurs when the front of both vehicles collide. These accidents can arise when someone drives the wrong way on the highway, veers out of their lane and into oncoming traffic, or incorrectly drives down a one-way lane. At high speeds, these accidents can be fatal or cause debilitating injuries.


This is also known as a “T-bone” collision. A car makes an impact with the side of a vehicle. Typical areas where this happens include intersections, especially left turns. The person making the turn may not see oncoming traffic and vice versa.


Two cars traveling next to each other can collide if one of the drivers goes out of their lane and gets too close to the vehicle beside them. The sideswipe can also cause both drivers to try to correct their steering and get out of the way. If they’re already moving at high speeds, an overcorrection can cause a loss of vehicle control.

Back-Over Collisions

When cars are backing out of parking spaces or driveways, they need to look before they move and need to move slowly in case another vehicle or person goes behind them. If a person doesn’t check their mirrors and blind spots or assumes they have a clear lane, they can strike the vehicle or person behind them and cause injuries.

Rear-End Collision

When someone is following too closely, speeding, or looking at something else other than the car in front of them, they can easily hit the back of the vehicle. Rear-end collisions are common at stop signs, red lights, and in traffic and can even cause chain reaction accidents if there is a long line of cars. Rear-end collisions are also likely to result in whiplash injuries, which can cause pain in the head, neck, and shoulders.

If none of these sound familiar, you should still reach out to a McMath Woods car accident attorney in Fayetteville. We’ll find out the details surrounding the crash and help you get the justice you deserve.

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What Should You Do After a Car Wreck in Fayetteville?

Your actions after a collision can help you protect both your health and your future. While you will likely feel shaken, it’s important to remain calm and do what you can. The following list can help you get the help you need and record evidence from the scene.

Allow Emergency Responders to Help You

When medical professionals arrive, allow them to provide first aid and assess your injuries. If there are signs of something serious, they can assist you with getting the help you need.

Speak with the Police

If you’re able, you can give your statement to the police. Tell them exactly what you remember about the accident. The details will be fresh in your mind. Your lawyer can use this report to help fight for you.

Take Photographs

Evidence from the scene can provide more information for your claim. Taking photographs of the scene, close-ups of damage, road conditions, and weather conditions are all helpful for your attorney.

Speak with Witnesses

Someone may have seen the accident happen. If an eyewitness is willing to provide their name and contact information, note these details, as eyewitness testimony may help you in the future.

Check for Injuries

Before moving, assess if you have any injuries. If you can move, you should do so to get out of the road and away from the car. If there are others, you can assist them as well. However, if you cannot move, it’s important to stay still so you do not injure yourself further.

Call for Help

Call for emergency responders to get medical professionals and police on the scene. If you’re unable to call, tell someone to call for you. Remember that many cell phones have voice activation, so if you cannot reach your phone, you may be able to tell it to call for help.

Exchange Information

You should exchange information with the other person involved in the accident. Get their names and contact information, as well as information about their car insurance and vehicle. Their insurance company, policy number, make, model, driver’s license, and license plate number are also crucial for your case.

How Long Will It Take to Resolve Your Case?

Many people often wonder how long it will take to resolve their case. Everyone’s claim will be a unique situation with its own set of details and circumstances that your lawyer will investigate and consider. If your injuries are catastrophic and you need extensive treatment, this may affect how long it takes to reach a resolution. The other party’s involvement, or if there were multiple parties involved in the accident, can also affect the time to resolve your case. The other party may try to say they did not act negligently, or you may not be offered a fair settlement. 

Your car accident attorney will help you through the process to get full and fair compensation for your damages. If your lawyer needs to fight for you in the courtroom, we’re ready. McMath Woods has years of experience representing clients in court in Arkansas. We’ll present the facts of your case and give you the best chance of getting the compensation you deserve. Be wary of lawyers who guarantee compensation before even speaking with you. If you are in a meeting with a lawyer and they promise you quick results before hearing your case, you may want to consider seeking representation elsewhere.

Attorney Carter C. Stein

Reach Out to McMath Woods in Fayetteville Today

McMath Woods is passionate about representing those who sustained injuries because of someone else’s negligence. We’ll ensure your voice is heard and can fight for you to achieve justice. To get started on your legal journey, reach out to our office today.

When you schedule a free consultation, one of our dedicated car accident lawyers will review your case and explain your options. We’re prepared to answer your questions and help you protect your best interests.

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