Leading Personal Injury Law Firm for Catastrophic Injury Claims

McMath Woods brings exceptional experience to catastrophic injury claims and lawsuits. The Fayetteville catastrophic injury lawyers are often called upon by other law firms as litigators to assist in the pursuit of justice for the injured party. The firm has a 70-year history of serving as counsel in cases in which a victim’s quality of life has been changed forever.

Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injury cases include the following types of severe injuries:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): These injuries can leave a victim suffering mobility issues, cognitive impairments, or, in the most tragic cases, in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Paralysis, either quadriplegia or paraplegia, leaves the injured person facing a lifetime of challenges.
  • Amputations: Loss of hand, foot, arm, or leg will require a long and painful recovery, the use of prosthetics, and limit future opportunities and enjoyment of life.
  • Multiple Broken Bones: Cases in which an impact led to numerous bone fractures that require surgeries and rehabilitation.
  • Internal Organ Damage: Some impacts permanently affect internal organs and their functioning.
  • Severe Lacerations: Extensive damage to the muscles, nerves, and skin may leave the injured individual with permanent visible scars and limited mobility, severely impacting the quality of life.
  • Vision or Hearing Loss: The loss of eyesight or hearing will affect every aspect of life, including personal, social, and the ability to earn a living or enjoy life.
  • Facial Disfigurement: Facial injuries that leave visible scars will have a long-term impact on quality of life.
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Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries in Fayetteville, AR

The types of incidents that can lead to catastrophic injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Accidents involving cars, trucks, big rigs, and other vehicles can leave an individual with permanent, life-altering injuries.
  • Aviation Accidents: A person who survives a plane crash may suffer severe burns, permanent scarring, amputations, or other catastrophic injuries.
  • Workplace Accidents: Falls from heights, crush injuries, and other work-related accidents often leave the injured person facing life-changing injuries and impairments.
  • Motorcycle Accidents: A rider hit by another vehicle is often catastrophically injured and may never again enjoy the quality of life experienced before the collision. 
  • Recreational Accidents: Sports injuries can leave an innocent person permanently impaired.
  • Medical Malpractice: An act of medical negligence can cause a patient to suffer catastrophic injuries requiring a lifetime of medical care and support.
  • Explosions, Fires: Burns are among the most painful and challenging to treat, often requiring long-term hospitalization, skin grafts, a series of painful treatments, and surgeries, leaving the victim with mobility issues and permanent scars.
  • Bicycle Accidents: Cyclists who are hit by a vehicle suffer severe injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, and other catastrophic injuries.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: A pedestrian hit by a vehicle may face a lifetime of impairments, physical and emotional.
  • Toxic Exposure: Harmful chemical or toxin exposures can lead to severe, long-term health problems and diseases.
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What Types of Compensation Can be Pursued?

The types of damages pursued in a catastrophic injury claim can include:

  • Economic Damages: These are the financial losses associated with the injury, including medical bills, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, rehabilitation, transportation, and other losses.
  • Non-Economic Damages: These damages are related to the personal losses suffered by the individual, such as pain and suffering, emotional anguish, and changes in quality of life experience.
  • Punitive Damages: In some rare cases involving gross negligence, punitive damages can be pursued, which are intended to punish the liable party.

Why Choose McMath Woods in a Catastrophic Injury Claim?

The Fayetteville catastrophic injury lawyers at McMath Woods are a team that other attorneys call for conflicts, complex cases, and challenging problems. Unlike other firms that may turn over 200 car accidents every six months, the catastrophic injury lawyers in Fayetteville take on much fewer cases with more significant complexity and a much larger payout. The firm has the experience, skills, and intelligence to prevail at trial. Every member of the legal team is committed to delivering superior client-focused care. All cases are handled by one or more of the attorneys at the firm, not turned over to an assistant.

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