Riding a motorcycle in Little Rock is an exciting way to navigate our city and feel free while on the road. While it’s fun and exhilarating to travel by motorbike, it can also be incredibly dangerous and cause serious injuries if you get into an accident of any kind. Many drivers aren’t paying attention to motorcyclists, which leads to deadly collisions between the two types of vehicles.

Before you get on your motorcycle and explore our city, you should know the risks involved and how common accidents are for motorcyclists in Little Rock.

Little Rock Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcyclists know that riding on their bike can lead to accidents if drivers don’t pay attention to the road and other people who are sharing the road. Similarly, if motorcyclists don’t pay attention to the road, other drivers, and objects in the area, then they can cause collisions to happen as well.

According to State Highway Safety Offices, there were 79 fatal motorcycle accidents in Arkansas in 2016. In order to lessen fatalities from motorcycle wrecks, the state has laws requiring riders to wear a helmet, no matter what age they are. This helps protect them in an event of a crash.

While motorcycle accidents aren’t extremely common in Little Rock, they still happen. Car accidents are more common, but that doesn’t mean that motorcycle accidents are less important or less impactful. Because motorcyclists are more exposed on their bikes, they are more likely to be injured or even die in a collision compared to a person who is in a regular motor vehicle.

That’s why it’s so important for both drivers and motorcyclists alike to be careful when they’re on the road and look out for one another. Being more vigilant and watching for motorcycles can help reduce the amount of motorcycle accidents that happen in Little Rock and reduce the amount of people injured by these collisions as well.

Common Motorcycle Wreck Injuries

As mentioned above, motorcycles are dangerous, and the injuries that happen as a result of collisions with other motorcyclists, bigger vehicles, or pedestrians can be devastating for riders and everyone else involved. When you’re planning to take your motorcycle for a spin, you should know what kinds of injuries you could sustain in the event of a wreck so that you can be prepared for the risk involved.

Here are some of the injuries that you could suffer if you get into a crash on your motorbike:

  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Road rash
  • Crush injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputations

Any combination of these injuries can lead to serious consequences. If the damages are bad enough to your body, you could even end up dying from the trauma. When you weren’t the one who caused the accident, you could want to get justice for what you’ve been through and the injuries you’ve suffered.

Even if you don’t see the injuries that you sustained listed above, you still likely have a claim because the liable party caused you injuries and damages. With the help of a motorcycle accident lawyer from McMath Woods, P.A., you can hold the negligent party accountable for your damages and get compensation for what they have done to you.

We’ll Help You Recover After an Accident in Arkansas

After an accident while riding a motorcycle, you likely have suffered from serious injuries and are facing steep medical bills, repair costs, and could be losing out on wages from missing work. You shouldn’t have to worry about where the money is coming from when you weren’t the one who caused the collision. That’s where a motorcycle accident lawyer in Little Rock comes in.

At McMath Woods, P.A., we’re here to help you recover the financial compensation that you are owed for all of the damages you incurred. That way, you don’t have to worry about the costs involved with the accident, and you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. Contact us today to discuss your legal options and then we can decide if you have a claim.

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