Drunk Driving Accidents: Seeking Justice for Reckless Decisions

We’re warned about the dangers of drinking and driving and how it can result in people getting terrible injuries or even losing their lives. But this isn’t always enough to deter people from getting behind the wheel after they’ve had too much to drink. The shock of an accident is often a lot to deal with, but it can be more emotional if you learn that it shouldn’t have ever happened in the first place. A situation where a person who made a reckless decision ended up injuring you shouldn’t be ignored—and we won’t let it be.

Drunk Driving in Arkansas

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drunk drivers are involved in 30% of traffic deaths. However, measures are being taken to help prevent drunk driving accidents, such as sobriety checkpoints. Police can stop people to quickly determine if a driver is impaired. If they suspect the person is intoxicated, they can issue a breathalyzer test. Drunk driving, however, is still a major issue in Arkansas and the rest of the country.

The CDC reported on the effects of alcohol on traffic deaths in Arkansas. The data is from 2003-2012. The following facts were found:

  • 1,769 people were killed because of drunk driving between those years.
  • Arkansas saw higher death rates for nearly all age groups in 2012 when compared to the national average.
  • For the rate of death by drunk driving for all ages, Arkansas’ rate was 5.1, and the national average was 3.3.
  • 0 percent of people in Arkansas admitted to driving after drinking too much. The national average of people who admit to driving drunk was 1.9 percent.

Drunk driving laws state a person cannot drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. After that point, a person is completely unfit to drive. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) points out that drunk drivers have issues with coordination, concentration, and reaction time. These behaviors translate to dangerous driving, like failing to control speed, staying in one lane, or even driving on the road.

It’s also worth noting that any amount of alcohol in your system can affect your driving, even if it’s below the legal limit. There may be some decline in coordination and multitasking. If you’re unsure about driving, you can always get a ride to ensure safety.

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Arkansas DUI Conviction Penalties

Driving under the influence (DUI) applies to alcohol while driving while intoxicated (DWI) applies to drugs. The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration explains its point system and what happens when a driver is charged with a DUI or DWI.

man holding keys with alcohol bottles next to him

The Administrative Point System

Arkansas uses the point system, so problem drivers are easier to identify. The higher the points, the more dangerous the driver. Dangerous drivers face penalties.

  • 3-14 Points. A person who is speeding may get 3 points, while a reckless driver could get 8 points.
  • 10-13 Points. At this level, the driver gets a warning letter stating they will start facing more severe consequences if they continue to get points on their record.
  • 14-17 Points. When they get to 14 points, the driver receives a notice that they may be suspended from their license and be required to attend a hearing. People within this range can lose their license for up to three months.
  • 18-23 Points. At this range, people can lose their license for six months.
  • 24 Points. When drivers reach this threshold, they may lose their license for a year.

Getting a DUI or DWI in Arkansas

When a person is arrested for DUI or DWI, they will receive an Official Driver’s License Receipt and Notice of Suspension or Revocation of Driving Privilege from the police. The officer will also take their license, and the Notice allows the person to drive for the next 30 days if their license is valid. According to the Notice, the person has a week to request an administrative hearing. This hearing is where it will be determined if the person was driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They can identify drunk driving if their BAC is above 0.08 percent, or it will be assumed if they refused the breathalyzer.

If this was the person’s first offense, their license will be suspended for six months. On their second offense within five years, they can lose their license for two years. The third offense means losing their license for 30 months, which will be revoked after the fourth offense. Before getting a new license, they will have to undergo alcohol or drug education, attend a Victim Impact Panel for every offense on their record, and pay a $150 fee for each offense. When the driver is allowed to operate a motor vehicle again, they will have an interlock device in their vehicle. The time with the device is usually equal to how long they were suspended from their license.

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