Seeking Justice for Groundwater Contamination

While government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are responsible for establishing standards and regulations for our drinking water, these laws are not always abided by—whether by accident or otherwise.

If you discover you are a victim of groundwater contamination, you may be eligible for compensation for any sustained damages. The sections below will provide you with basic information about groundwater pollution and how legal representation can help you with your case. To seek legal recourse, you’ll need the assistance of a Little Rock groundwater contamination lawyer from McMath Woods.

What Is Groundwater?

To understand groundwater contamination, its sources, and its effects, you must first understand how groundwater forms and why it’s important.

Water found beneath the surface of the land is considered groundwater. When rainwater falls, it spreads to various places. Some of the water falls into lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. Some amounts of rainwater are used by plants or evaporate entirely. The remaining rainwater seeps into the ground and becomes groundwater.

Approximately 51% of the drinking water in the United States comes from groundwater. The number is even higher in rural areas, where people draw their water from wells.

In addition to our drinking water coming from the ground, most of our agriculture is grown and sustained using groundwater.

Unlike surface water in rivers, lakes, and ponds, groundwater requires fewer harsh chemical treatments to be safe for human consumption. It’s also present in dry parts of the country where surface water is not. Groundwater also supports the ecosystem by refilling and recharging surface water locations.

Now that you understand what groundwater is and how it’s beneficial to our planet let’s look at the sources that contribute to groundwater pollution.

What Are the Sources of Groundwater Contamination?

According to the EPA, groundwater pollution is almost always the result of human activity—and therefore preventable. The following list includes some of the most common sources that contaminate groundwater.

Agricultural Sources

  • Animal burial areas
  • Fertilizer storage
  • Irrigation sites
  • Animal feedlots
  • Manure spreading areas

Commercial Sources

  • Boatyards
  • Construction areas
  • Cemeteries
  • Research laboratories
  • Scrap and junkyards

Industrial Sources

  • Asphalt plants
  • Chemical manufacturing and storage
  • Mining and mine drainage
  • Pipelines
  • Operating and abandoned mills

Residential Sources

  • Fuel oil
  • Septic systems
  • Sewer lines
  • Furniture stripping and refinishing
  • Swimming pools

Other Sources

  • Hazardous waste landfills
  • Municipal incinerators
  • Open burning sites
  • Road maintenance depots
  • Stormwater drains and basins
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What Are the Effects of Groundwater Contamination?

Environmental Effects

Groundwater contamination also impacts the environment. When groundwater is polluted, the environment can be altered. When toxic water enters an ecosystem, the fish, birds, animals, and plants that live in the area can become sick and quickly die off.

Essentially, groundwater pollution can potentially increase soil nutrients to the point that they cannot sustain the given ecosystem. This can lead to the death of fish when they are no longer able to process the water. Plants may also be affected and unable to absorb water how they’re supposed to.

Economic Effects

There are economic consequences related to groundwater contamination. When polluted groundwater contaminates an area, there’s a chance people may not want to live there. This depreciates the value of the land.

Water contamination also leads to unstable industry production because certain factories rely on water, which they don’t have to test. If the water is unsafe, they’ll have to spend additional funds to test it.

Health Effects

The health effects of groundwater pollution are often serious and can be life-threatening. If a septic system has been installed incorrectly, groundwater can become infected with hepatitis. If a person drinks the water and contracts hepatitis, they may sustain permanent liver damage.

Like hepatitis, dysentery can be caused by drinking water that contains human or animal waste. Dysentery causes infections in the digestive system and intestines, leading to severe dehydration and sometimes death.

In the event a well is incorrectly installed, pesticides and solvents can leak into private groundwater supplies. When humans or animals drink this water, they can be poisoned and require medical treatment.

man on farm looking at the sunset

How Can a Little Rock Groundwater Contamination Lawyer Help Me with My Claim?

If your property has been contaminated by groundwater pollution, our Arkansas groundwater pollution attorneys are prepared to help you hold the negligent party accountable.

Groundwater contamination falls under environmental litigation. We have decades of experience representing victims of these types of cases and a comprehensive understanding of the complex web of environmental regulations and the evolving laws surrounding them. 

Why Choose McMath Woods?

We take on a limited number of cases and are honored to be known for our personalized, one-on-one service to our clients. Our firm offers free case consultations on these matters and is available to speak with you about your groundwater contamination case. Contact our law firm today as the first step, with a consultation and evaluation.

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