Seat Belt Failures: Seeking Justice for Defective Safety Devices

The safety device saved about 14,668 lives and could have potentially saved 2,456 more. However, even responsible people who wear a seat belt can get injured because the restraint might be defective. If you’ve sustained injuries because your seat belt failed to work, you can get help from a seat belt failure lawyer. McMath Woods protects the rights of Arkansas citizens and knows how car accidents are often caused by negligent drivers or faulty safety systems, such as seat belts. A driver’s carelessness often results in injuries that create a lot of financial stress. There are medical expenses, missing work, property damage, and more. But with our help, you can get compensation for the accident and stand up to the negligent party.

Ways Seat Belts Can Fail

You may be wondering about the ways that seat belts fail. There are a few ways that seat belts can have issues that will prevent them from working and will increase your chance of getting injured.

Faulty seat belts may have the following problems:

False Latching

This is when the seat belt looks and feels like it’s clicked in, making the wearer feel safe. Unfortunately, the seat belt can be released at any moment.

Unlatching Upon Impact

Also called inertial unlatching, this happens when the impact of a crash makes the seat belt unlatch, leaving the person vulnerable to injuries.

Poor Belt Material

Seat belts are supposed to be strong enough to hold a person in an accident. If the belt tears when force is applied, there could be an issue with the material used

Failure to Retract

When an accident happens, the seat belt locks and tightens to hold the wearer in place. A defect is when the belt doesn’t lock and can release slack, rendering it useless.

Anchor Systems Are Improperly Mounted

The seat belt anchor must be mounted correctly to function correctly. If the mount isn’t secure, the seat belt won’t be able to protect the wearer.

These aren’t the only ways that a seat belt can be defective. If you believe you were injured because of a faulty seat belt, get in touch with one of our car accident lawyers. We’ll help you figure out the issue and how to proceed with the insurance company.

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close up of man putting seat belt on

Determining Fault for Seat Belt Failure

When your seat belt fails and causes you injuries, you’re not the one at fault. Your seat belt failure lawyer will hold the right people accountable for their actions. When it comes to defective seat belts, the manufacturer that made the seat belt or the vehicle could be held liable. There could be an issue with the materials used to make the seat belt or a design flaw that prevented it from working. While the device is supposed to be tested and has specific safety standards to meet, there could be changes to standards later or defects that make the device dangerous over time. No matter the cause, your lawyers will discover what went wrong, why it failed, and who is responsible for your injuries.

How Can Your Lawyer Identify a Defective Seat Belt?

You may face difficulties with insurance companies or other parties when it comes to filing a claim against them. They may try to show that you were injured because you weren’t wearing your seat belt—which would be negligence on your part.

We understand how frustrating this can be because you’re being wrongfully accused of negligence, and they’re trying to avoid paying you the compensation you need.

Luckily, our lawyers in Arkansas are well-versed in seat belt failure and know what signs to look for in your case. We’ll carefully inspect the accident scene and look for evidence that shows your seat belt was defective. We’ll take the following into consideration:

  • Extent of Injuries. If a person was in a minor accident but sustained serious injuries, it can show that the seat belt did not work at the time of impact. There’s also a situation where people in the same car get vastly different degrees of injuries. If one person has minor bumps and bruises but another has to go to the hospital, the second person may have had a defective seat belt.
  • A Frayed or Torn Seat Belt. Your lawyer may find physical evidence of a ripped seat belt, which will explain the extent of your injuries.
    Injured Person’s Account. You may also provide insight as to what happened. You can say you were wearing a seat belt and can inform your lawyer if it detached, failed to restrain, or had another kind of malfunction.
  • A person in the Front Seat Hits the Windshield. If the people in the front of the car made contact with the windshield, the seat belt may have been defective.
  • Discovery of a Loose Seat Belt. An eyewitness at the scene may find you in the car with a loose-fitting seat belt, which would give you the support of an unbiased party.
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Let McMath Woods Help You

When you’ve been wrongfully injured, you deserve representation that will fight for your rights no matter what. McMath Woods in Arkansas will stand up to manufacturing companies when they hurt people because of their defective products. We have experience in product liability and will do whatever it takes to defend you. It’s also possible that a faulty seat belt could have led to a wrongful death of a family member. While the legal process can be painful, we can provide financial compensation to help you get through this difficult time. Getting started is the most important step. A free consultation is only one phone call away. We’re here to help.

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